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About Us

  Welcome to the Janesville Art League website!    

Janesville Art League is an artistic group of creative genius, working to make the world a better place through art.
Our social and educational gatherings, large and small, focus on the visual arts both current and historical.... And you are invited!

Check our event's calendar for an active list of events: art exhibits including opening receptions with live music and refreshments; luxury bus trips to art related venues including museums, artist studios, classes and tours.

  March 2025  

Our regularly scheduled luncheons and speakers include artists, gallery, and art related business owners, and art teachers.

Please join us. Meet our artists and art lovers. Unleash your spirit. 

Experience  New Adventures and unlock your  Creativity  while enjoying the fruits of artistic expression and the beauty in the world around you.           

Contact Information

Janesville Art League

  • 108 S. Jackson St.
    Janesville, Wisconsin 53548
    Mailing Address
    PO Box 1552
    Janesville, Wisconsin 53547
  • Map
  • Phone (608)322-1182
  • Email
  • Facebook

Mission Statement

The mission of the Janesville Art League is to preserve and share its gallery and permanent art collection and to support and encourage the creation and appreciation of all forms of the visual arts by involving its members and community through educational programs and trips, scholarships, art shows and exhibits, and fellowship.


Click Here for Membership
